Drying Out a Basement Fast: A Step By Step Guide

No one wants to have a wet basement. It’s not only an eyesore, but it can also cause structural damage in your home and lead to mold growth and other potential problems.

If you are in this situation, the best thing you can do is work on drying out your basement as fast as possible. And this is what you’ll learn today.

This article will give you step by step instructions for how to dry out your basement quickly and efficiently!

How to dry your wet basement: all steps you need to follow

If your basement is wet, you should immediately take action in order to prevent further damage. Here is what you need to do (don’t skip any steps):

1. Safety first!

Turn off all power sources to avoid electrical hazards. Water and electricity don’t go well together, so this is the first and most important safety measure for you to take.

2. Empty the basement

Remove any items from the basement that could be ruined by mold or water damage, such as carpeting.

mold on wall
Don’t delay it until mold starts growing on the walls!

3. Use materials that absorb water

Cover floors with a thick layer of absorbent material, such as cardboard and newspaper, which will wick up moisture from the floor and walls.

4. Start running some fans!

Keep a fan running in your basement to help air circulation and remove dampness from the air.

Advice: Invest in a hygrometer (affiliate link). This is a device that measures the humidity in the air. It’s pretty cheap and reliable and it helps you stay up to date with the humidity levels in your basement.

It’s a solid investment that will take out the guesswork and help you take action before it’s too late.

5. Run a dehumidifier

Run dehumidifiers to remove excess humidity from the air. This, in combination with the fans that keep the air moving will help a lot.

Actually, the dehumidifier is probably the most useful part in the entire process, especially if natural ventilation is not possible.

CAUTION! Make sure that it is safe to plug the dehumidifier in and keep it running. If there are any risks, run a long electrical cord from a safe area to your basement and never leave the device unattended.

air dehumidifier
A dehumidifier greatly speeds up the process.

6. Remove water you can see

If there is actual, visible water, use sponges or bits of cloth to remove it faster. You don’t really need to get to the point where you can actually grow land moss inside.

7. Increase air circulation

If possible, allow air from outside to get into the basement. Open any windows / doors that you can open to allow the humid air to go outside and be replaced by dry air.

8. Fix the problem

Make sure that you identify the source of water/excessive humidity. If you have a leaking pipe or something like that, you should fix it as soon as possible, otherwise you won’t get rid of the problems.

9. Give your basement enough time to dry out

Allow enough time for the area to dry out completely, which could take up to a week or more depending on the severity of the problem.

How long will it take to completely dry out a wet basement?

It can take anywhere from a few hours up to a week to dry out your wet basement depending on the amount of water in the area. If you have a dehumidifier, the entire process will usually be faster.

However, if you don’t manage to get the situation under control,then its time to consult with a professional waterproofing company that can find and seal off any leaks while also stopping these seepages from reoccurring.

If your basement remains wet or excessively humid for long period of times, more trouble can follow – from mold growing everywhere to structural damage to your building.

Why Is Your Basement Always Wet?

wet basement stairs

Wondering why your basement is always wet? Well, you are not alone. With all the water damage problems faced by homeowners across the world, it’s no surprise that so many people have this question on their minds!

The most common cause of wet basements is ground water seeping up from underground. In fact, studies show that 70-80% of homes with wet basements have this problem.

Condensation is another reason why basements can be wet and it is caused by warm, moist air. When the temperature in your basement drops below the dew point, water droplets form on surfaces like walls and floors.

This usually happens when there are big differences between the indoor temperature of your home during wintertime compared to summertime or if you have a furnace that runs continuously.

High humidity levels in your basement can also cause water to accumulate on the floors and walls, which usually happens when there is a lot of moisture-laden air from outside being brought into the home via windows or doors.

In addition, high indoor humidity during cold winter months will affect a wet basement problem too.

Tips on how to prevent a wet basement

  • Ensure that gutters and downspouts are free of debris so they can divert rainwater away from your foundation wall without building up too much water pressure.
  • Fix cracks and openings in the foundation wall as well as on basement floors to prevent seepage from entering your home.
  • Keep air vents clear so moist air does not enter the home through these sites.
  • In addition, if you have a sump pump that is overwhelmed by excessive amounts of ground water, consider using a battery back-up pump so you will still have power even when your electricity goes out.

Related reading: Now that you have no problems with a wet basement, why not check out my recommended plant terrariums to liven up the place a bit?


Now that you are armed with all the information to stop your wet basement problem, it is time for you to do something about it! Don’t forget that you shouldn’t ignore moisture in your basement. Instead, you should deal with it as fast as possible!

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